This Thursday the Swedish gvmt presented its Defence bill for 2021-2025.
Budget will increase some 40%. This increase is not a temporary one. Spending level will remain and if anything might even grow further depending on outlook and after next election.
In 2023 a ’control station’ will look at implementation of ongoing plans and budget outlook 2026-2030. Planning is already to be in place should a decision come on additional funds such as to faster upgrade sensor network and procure additional stocks of missiles.
Overall, outlook is quite good for a change. Of course challenges remain not least regarding personell. But initially there will be no major risky organisational reconstruction. Instead focus will be on taking available capability, work with it, enhance and create a more robust organisation with potentional for further growth.
Politically there is now broad consensus in parliament for strengthening of the military. Major difference between our most likely ruling political blocks is no longer on what should be cut - instead on how fast growth should take place. Today we were given a lower 'bid' because gvmt could not (or did not want to) reach an even broader agreement. There's also the NATO-issue but for now that topic is not moving in any direction.
Swedish Source. DN article (Swedish). Reuters (English). Swedish Gvmt (English)
My very quick summary regarding the Air Force:
Bottom line: Increasing the availability of fighter units. Better command, protection, dispersed ops, and weapons capability. More redundancy and a balanced system structure.
6 fighter squadrons. 4 sqn JAS 39E. 2 sqn JAS 39C/D.
(Exact number of fighters not specified in bill as that said to be a military decision. DefMin est. 80-100 fighters in the end. 60 x E now on order)
JAS 39 C/D could be used in advanced training role
Additional Air to Air missiles to be procured
Increased EW-capability
New long range attack weapon inducted in period 2026-2030
RECCE-pod: New sensors
ASC 890 AEW&C platform replacement: decision 2021-2025
SIGINT S102B platform replacemenent: decision after 2025
SWE-UK FCAS-C. Decision on joint studies/R&D/demonstrator could be taken during 2021. Initially cooperation will primarily support JAS 39 Gripen.
Transport & Special flight sqn split into Transport sqn, Special flight sqn and State flight sqn.
Helicopter Wing organized into 4 sqns of which 2 focus on land ops, 1 on sea ops, 1 to support special forces ops
Note: RBS 15F ER anti-shipping missile has been ordered, this new version offers among things much longer range and (a limited) A2G capability.